
Friday, January 13, 2012

Twenty-Five Questions

1. Religion – how much does it play into the lives of ordinary English people?
2. London as a global leader in finance – how has it been affected by the European crisis and by the recession in the US?
3. Which of the two crises (the first in the US, the second in Europe) have had a larger effect on Great Britain?
4. What is the tallest building in London?
5. What do you say in London when you say goodbye, other than just “goodbye”? (in the US we say “Take care” “Good luck” “good seeing you” “Have a good one.” “See you later”, etc)
6. What are gas prices like in London?
7. How does becoming a mother or a father affect church attendance?
8. Why is there an increase in religiosity between the ages 18-24 and 25-34?
9. Why does it drop again between 35-44?
10. What kind of volunteer opportunities would an LDS college student living abroad be able to find for religions that exist in London? (would anybody let a young, Mormon college student ask questions to pastors and priests about their congregations?)
11. What portion of society in London is the most religious?
12. What benefits the most actively religious people reap because of their religiosity?
13. What common characteristics or backgrounds do young people entering church service have today? (where do new recruits to church service come from?)
14. Why does the Church of England retain fewer of its members than the Catholic Church and other Christian churches?
15. What are the leaders of the Church of England doing to encourage more active membership in the religion?
16. How effective have their strategies been?
17. For the actively religious, what is the single most important factor in their continued activity in their church? What motivates them to keep coming?
18. What differences in motivations can be observed between active members of different faiths?
19. What similarities?
20. Why do non christian churches experience higher retention of members during their lifetime than christian churches?
21. What social factors can be tied to the decrease in religiosity among the younger generation in London/UK?
22. Is there a correlation between social statistics such as premarital sex, abortion, criminal activity, probability of divorce, etc, between the religiously active and the non religious?
23. What is that correlation?
24. What factors cause the more educated in the United Kingdom to be, proportionally more active in their religions than those who are less educated?
25. How many people in London/UK base their personal moral criteria and moral judgements on their religious beliefs?

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